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Rendering Fox


Follow these guidelines on how to submit desktop client ( FAQ)

The desktop client and web are compared in terms of the business type, submission method, support system, support software, and process, the submission method for user guidelines follows  these guidelines step by step on submitting the   desktop client.                     Q: How can we check the rendering sequences of the tasks in the client? A: Double-click the task for the page with the detailed task. Q: What do the numbers for task status mean? A: From left to right, they refer to the status of the frames as rendering, waiting, aborted, and failed.   Q: Why are there red frames? What should we do? A: The red frame refers to the frame that failed. Generally, you may right-click the tasks in the client to retry the failed frame 3-5 times. Refresh it for each retry. Please contact customer service if it still fails. Q: Why did my task turn yellow? A: It’s a timeout alert. When the time runs out, it turns yellow. Normally,...